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Feeling stressed? Our favorite ways to calm down arrive ASAP with Prime

From essential oils to heated neck massagers, we've rounded up a treasure trove of de-stressing doo-dads — all $35 and under. Feeling out of sorts? Debbie Downer here, with a reality check: It's a seriously stressful time of year. We've changed the clocks back, the election is this week, the holidays are looming, report cards are coming out — there are a lot of things at play that are making us particularly anxious.The first thing people will tell you if you're feeling stressed, panicked or anxious: breathe. We often forget to breathe, and taking some mindful, deep breaths can be very good for our mental and physical health. Some of us may need a little guidance, and this adorable Buddha-shaped light will set your journey.Packed with soothing Gaba, L-Theanine and Lemon Balm, these Goodbye Stress gummies tackle what our daily vitamin doesn't. The strawberry lemon flavor makes them yummy and easy to consume, while the ingredients help calm your soul. Chew two and chill.A baker's dozen ways to self-care during periods of stress. Open your mind and get these in your cart!

Free chat rooms for depression, discussion forums for anxiety and panic, chat rooms for panic attacks, social anxiety, bipolar, stress. - StressGroup

Please keep in mind that forums and chat rooms are not for crisis situations. Please contact a crisis hotline or 211 or 911 if you feel like you are in a crisis. You may also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline toll free at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and your call will be connected with ... The people in these chatrooms, whether a forum to help with various types of anxiety disorders, depression forums, panic attack forum, learning to deal with anger issues bipolar disorder, or any mental health chat room, have been in your situation.People also find that chats and forums help motivate them to follow their treatment plan and help you gain a better understanding of your condition and get you through the stigma that society puts on mental illness.Please keep in mind that forums and chat rooms are not for crisis situations. Please contact a crisis hotline or 211 or 911 if you feel like you are in a crisis. You may also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline toll free at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and your call will be connected with the nearest crisis centre to you.PsychForums has free discussion boards and chat for nearly every type of disorder or mental health issue you can think of.

How texting makes stress worse

But as the pandemic went on, I found group chats made my stress worse, not better. My phone was already constantly lighting up with news notifications, and the 50 or 60 missed texts that I could get in an hour from any one group chat made me feel anxious about putting it down. We’re lucky to have that kind of technology; without Zoom, Slack and WhatsApp, the pandemic would be a far lonelier experience. But group chat platforms come with an immediacy and intimacy that can make participating in them feel stressful.But since options for social activity have been so curtailed, group chats have come to play a bigger role in many of our lives. We feel we should prize these interactions, yet they’re coming at a much faster pace and higher volume than we’re used to. One reason they stress us out is the built-in urge to read a text in real time – Elias AboujaoudeOf course, your tolerance for group chatting will depend on what else you’re juggling; Wright points out that not everyone is experiencing the same levels of stress.“Early into the pandemic, group chats may have felt like a good way to commiserate with many people simultaneously. You could count on everyone in the group having this stressful experience in common with you,” says Aboujaoude.


I’m So Stressed Out! Fact Sheet - National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

Psychotherapy (also called talk ... distress or are thinking about hurting yourself, call or text the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 or chat at .... If you are struggling to cope, or the symptoms of your stress or anxiety won’t go away, it may be time to talk to a professional. Psychotherapy (also called talk therapy) and medication are the two main treatments for anxiety, and many people benefit from a combination of the two. If you are in immediate distress or are thinking about hurting yourself, call or text the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 or chat at .This fact sheet is intended for teens and young adults and presents information about stress, anxiety, and ways to cope when feeling overwhelmed.Feeling overwhelmed? Read this fact sheet to learn whether it’s stress or anxiety, and what you can do to cope.Life can be stressful—you may feel stressed about performance at school, traumatic events (such as a pandemic, a natural disaster, or an act of violence), or a life change.


Feeling stressed this week? A walk outside can help | CNN

It’s been stressful navigating the country’s fractured political landscape this election year. Here’s how to reduce the impact on your mental and physical health. Dr. Leana Wen: When people experience stress, their bodies release hormones that have a variety of effects. Their hearts beat faster, their blood pressure and blood sugar increase, and blood flow and energy are directed away from parts of the body like the immune system.If the stress response is continuous, problems can arise. They include mental health concerns such as depression and anxiety. People can develop problems sleeping, headaches, backaches, and have difficulty with memory and concentration.It can reduce blood pressure, help with sleep and even enhance immune system function. Researchers hypothesize that being in nature decreases stress hormones, therefore reducing blood pressure and heart rate and reversing the impact of stress on the immune, endocrine, gastrointestinal and other body systems.Third, knowing what kinds of things not to turn to is just as important as knowing what can help. Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs may relieve stress in the short term, but they do not help long term and of course can lead to many other health problems down the line.

Mental Health Support Chat Rooms in 2024: Your Choices - Supportiv

A supportive chat room can be your lifeline for mental health maintenance. If you seek support, pick the safest chat room to help! Try a chat · Contact us · Home · Resources · Stress Relief · Article · Stress Relief · Written by: C. Beck · Chat now · Need a supportive mental health chat room to talk and let things out? Look no further. Here’s a breakdown of the most supportive chat rooms, the safest online chat rooms, and what each has to offer.Stress Relief · Teens · Work · Worksheets · Read more · Read more · Read more · Read more · See more · What's your struggle? Chat with us · Request a demo · Why Supportiv? Resources · Who We Serve · Individuals · About · Legal · Language · Why Supportiv?Discord servers can be run by anyone and often allow anyone to join the chat. These chats can be topic-specific, but ‘free’ might mean a free-for-all. You have to rely on finding the right group for your specific struggle.Nothing feels worse than seeking support, only to feel unheard. Because of that, some supportive chat room sites recruit more experienced moderators, and train them more – which means a smoother, safer, more helpful experience for you.


Anxiety Chat Room - Anxiety Forums - Anxiety Community - Social Networking - Online Anxiety Support Group - HealthfulChat

Anxiety Peer Support Community. Includes: anxiety chat room, anxiety forums, anxiety social networking. Free online support group for anxiety. OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) Chat Room · PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Chat Room · Physical Health Chat Rooms · Arthritis Chat Room · Asthma / Respiratory Conditions Chat Room · Cancer Chat Room · Diabetes Chat Room · Hearing Impaired Chat Room ·Physical Disability / Mobility Issues Chat Room · Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Chat Room · Pregnancy Chat Room · Senior Health Chat Room · Smoking Cessation Chat Room · Sports Chat Room · Stroke Chat Room · Technology Chat Room · Trivia (Quiz) Women's Health Chat Room ·HealthfulChat is glad to be offering you this friendly, supportive portion of the web site where you can befriend others living with the sometimes crippling world of anxiety. From social anxiety to generalized anxiety disorder and all in between, HealthfulChat is here to present, for your use, an Anxiety Chat Room, anxiety forums, and an anxiety social network.This Anxiety Chat Room, these anxiety forums, and the anxiety social network offer you the opportunity to share your anxiety symptoms with others,

Here’s How to Deal With Stressful Group Chats - Thrive Global

If you feel like you’re being flooded with texts, it’s time to make a change. I’m in a handful of ongoing group chats, but I’m not the most prolific responder. As much as I love staying in touch with childhood friends, keeping up with family, and planning group outings in one ongoing stream, the long threads can be overwhelming, and if I look away for just a few hours, I can easily miss a whole slew of notifications in the meantime. Seeing your texts pile up like that can feel stressful, and can exert a subtle mental toll.Brooks is concerned that our constant need to keep up with our chats can take away from other aspects of our off-screen lives. “If we’re always on, other things are getting pushed out, from our sleep to our in-person social interactions,” he says. It’s vital to set boundaries with our texts, and if we do that successfully, Brooks points out that those boundaries can even take the stress out of the group chat.If you feel overwhelmed by a constant influx of group notifications, here are three ways to alleviate that stress — without isolating yourself from the group entirely: Mute notifications (and befriend the “Do Not Disturb” feature) For those of us who constantly feel flooded by notifications (guilty!), Brooks encourages us to “mute notifications” on group chats — which means you’ll only see the new messages by going to the chat on your own.“Our most valuable resource is our undivided attention, and when you’re constantly being bombarded with notifications, we can’t be as present as we’d like to be.” Brooks says having a constant-reply mentality can cause a build-up of stress, so it’s important to remind ourselves that occasionally opting out of the conversation is healthy –– even if it’s just for a few hours.


7 Cups: Therapy & Support - Apps on Google Play

Anxiety, depression, stress & overall mental health support groups & 1-1 chats Feeling worried, sad, stressed or lonely? Need to talk to someone? Download 7 Cups now for FREE anonymous emotional support, therapy & counseling from therapists, trained active listeners & support groups. With easy to use text chats, 7 Cups Online Therapy App Features: • Chat 1-1 with a listener 24/7 • Find support in online group chat rooms & community forums • Access online text therapy & counseling with licensed therapists • Relax with 300 free mindfulness exercises • Get personalized mental health care with our free wellness test • Boost your mood, ease your anxiety & help your depression with mindfulness activities • Learn & grow from short mental health videos Thousands of people use 7 Cups, winner of the Stanford MedicineX Prize for Healthcare Systems Design, every week to help their anxiety, depression & overall mental health.Emotional Support & Counseling Online & On Demand: Feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed? Having relationship problems? Sometimes you need someone to talk to. Finding a therapist or counselor can be time-consuming and expensive, and you can’t always talk to friends, family, or coworkers.Chat with a new listener each time or pick one and develop a deeper ongoing relationship. FAST & FREE: The app is free to download and all listeners are available to chat 100% free. After you download the app, you can start a conversation in less than 60 seconds.Listeners provide support across 189 countries and in 140 languages. Each listener has a profile with reviews and a list of categories that they specialize in, ranging from panic attacks and bullying to eating disorders, surviving a breakup, and more. When you find the listener you want, connect instantly via chat.


Stressed? Writing down a to-do list might help

If you find it hard to get to sleep, then a solution might be at hand – a pen and paper. If you turn a map around in order to make it match the street lay-out in front of you, that's an example of cognitive offloading. You are taking away some of the mental work you need to do to orientate yourself, thereby reducing the stress on your brain and making the task of going in the right direction a little easier.

Are There Any Useful Anxiety Chat Rooms?

But don't forget that you want ... these chatrooms. The best way to do that is to also try to be as helpful as possible. No matter how much you're struggling, you're bound to find useful strategies and information and you can share that with others. Failing that, just conveying empathy and being emotionally support can help contribute to a therapeutic community - and may even make you feel better about yourself in the process! Don't Participate in Stressful Activities ... But don't forget that you want to foster a community of support within these chatrooms. The best way to do that is to also try to be as helpful as possible. No matter how much you're struggling, you're bound to find useful strategies and information and you can share that with others. Failing that, just conveying empathy and being emotionally support can help contribute to a therapeutic community - and may even make you feel better about yourself in the process! Don't Participate in Stressful Activities If anything on the website contributes to further stress, you'll benefit from finding a different chat room; or perhaps even taking some time to cool-off online.If there are issues at play that contribute to further stress and anxiety, go somewhere else. These chat rooms need to be a place of comfort and inclusion - one where people can go to genuinely get the support they need. Because chats are so instant, it's hard to find this support elsewhere.Stress warns you that you're encountering problematic situations, and is designed to motivate... Read More · Fact Checked by Faiq Shaikh, M.D. Updated on February 12, 2021. Anxiety is a condition that can close you off to others. For friends and family of those living with anxiety,... Read More · Fact Checked by Daniel Sher, MA, Clin Psychology Updated on October 10, 2020. Chat rooms have fallen out of favor over the last decade, mostly due to misuse and bad media coverage.One of the main reasons that chat rooms fell out of favor was how stressful they became because of their anonymity - this allows people to be potentially nasty and insensitive.


Anxiety chat: Best free places to chat online

Talking to a therapist. 7Cups, Healthful Chat and Social Anxiety Support (SAS) all have links to paid counseling services. 7Cups has links to therapists who use the 7Cups platform to deliver therapy. The 7Cups volunteer “Listeners” who moderate the chat rooms may also recommend a 7Cups ... Talking to a therapist. 7Cups, Healthful Chat and Social Anxiety Support (SAS) all have links to paid counseling services. 7Cups has links to therapists who use the 7Cups platform to deliver therapy. The 7Cups volunteer “Listeners” who moderate the chat rooms may also recommend a 7Cups therapist.There are uninformed people in chat rooms who spread inaccurate information. Make sure to get accurate information from authoritative sources such as highly-trained Psychologists and mental health professionals. Fact-check what you hear. When you have questions, do a Google search and find authoritative information sources that you can trust (e.g.During my time in the chat room, there was serious and mature conversation and interest in helping each other. I was also impressed with the technology - it's one of the newer chat rooms and has a modern feel.There are two types of chat rooms: Group rooms and one-on-one. In group chat rooms multiple people are chatting. In one-on-one chat rooms, a volunteer "Listener" chats with you. The "Listener" is trained to listen non-judgmentally. Connect with a listener by requesting the first available listener or by selecting a specific listener from the 7Cups community.

Bumblebees Reduce Their Expectations Of A Reward When Stressed Out

They report that bumblebees respond to a frightening event in a way that resembles how humans typically respond to a frightening event. Their findings indicate that bees reduce their expectations of a reward when they are stressed, and this, in turn, may impact how they approach and pollinate ... They report that bumblebees respond to a frightening event in a way that resembles how humans typically respond to a frightening event. Their findings indicate that bees reduce their expectations of a reward when they are stressed, and this, in turn, may impact how they approach and pollinate flowers.After the bees learned these associations, two experimental groups of bumblebees were subjected to a stressful event either by being shaken or being trapped by a robotic arm with a sponge, whilst a lucky third group did not experience any external stress.When presented with ambiguous color cues, the bees who had experienced a stressful event were much less likely to interpret these colors as indicating high value rewards, and instead, visited low reward locations more often than did the unmolested control bees.Olga Procenko, Jenny C. A. Read and Vivek Nityananda (2024). Physically stressed bees expect less reward in an active choice judgement bias test, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 291(2032) | doi:10.1098/rspb.2024.0512


A New Mental Health Hotline For Stressed-Out Singaporeans - Bloomberg

Hi, it’s Karoline in Singapore, a high-stress financial center where it can be hard to escape anxiety. But help may soon be on the way, thanks to a new government initiative. Before I explain... You can’t avoid stress and anxiety in a city like Singapore, where kids spend their weekends in tutoring classes and young adults at the cafe tables next to you might be talking about why socioeconomic status matters when renting an apartment.


Election stressing you out? Here are 5 psychologist-approved tips to make you feel better

As election season nerves kick into overdrive, a psychologist shares research-backed ways to ease your mind. When it comes to engaging with politics, think about concrete actions you can take to champion the causes that matter to you. Maybe it’s phonebanking, maybe it’s donating. All of these will feel more rewarding than focusing on future outcomes that are impossible (and stressful) to predict.Channel your energy into what you’re doing in the moment, rather than letting your mind wander to stressful subjects. Research spearheaded by Killingsworth has found that most people’s minds are wandering roughly 50% of the time, though we barely notice that we’re doing it.For many people, stress related to the approaching presidential election is palpable. Even, at times, unbearable.And no matter who wins, Kamala Harris or Donald Trump, roughly half the country will experience disappointment. Fortunately, there are research-backed ways to effectively calm yourself without simply tuning out the news. And simply knowing that those tools are available can be important, because your perception of stress can affect your response.


Feeling anxious or stressed? Experts share how to calm down quickly.

Experts share techniques to pull yourself out of a moment of anxiety or panic. Anxiety can present itself in different ways. You might suddenly feel overwhelmed by the challenges you’re dealing with — be it work, a relationship issue and so on — and can’t quite snap out of that stressed-out state. If you’re feeling a powerful sense of fear or doom paired with a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath and even chest pain, you might be experiencing a panic attack.Stressed out? Experts share simple ways to stop anxiety in its tracks.Ahead, experts share strategies on how to calm down when you're feeling anxious, panicky or stressed out.Grounding techniques are exercises that can help manage stress stress and pull you out of an anxious state.

Anxiety Chat Room & Free Anxiety Help Online | 7 Cups Help Guides

Find Help, Online Therapy & Free Counseling and Someone to Talk to while on the go! We are here to listen. 7 Cups of Tea is a community of thousands of trained active listeners, ready and willing to chat with you about any anxiety help you might need. Press the green "Connect to a Listener" button above to join our group anxiety chat right away!


Pop hit APT too distracting for S Korea's exam-stressed students

A yearly blanket of silence has once again enveloped South Korea, as half a million students sit for the most important test of their lives. "I’m worried that the song will play in my head even during the exam," one student told Yonhap News of the chart-topper. "Adults might laugh and say, 'Why stress over something like that?' But for us, with such an important test ahead, it can feel unsettling."